Three young girls wearing red camp shirts smile animatedly at the camera.

ACE Registration How-To Guide

To ensure that Camp Registration is as smooth as possible for you and your family, we've provided a step-by-step guide for what to expect to help you navigate Registration for Camp.

Museum Member Early Access Registration Opens Friday, February 28 at 11:00 AM
The link to enter will be sent via email from your Membership Team.

General Public Registration Opens Saturday, March 1 at 10:00 AM
The link to enter will be on the ACE webpage.

ACE uses an online registration portal.

The portal can only be accessed via links from the ACE webpage or through Museum communications.
We encourage you to create or update your registration portal account now through February 20.

Have your Camp Session(s) Picked Out?

Do you need to confirm the name of the Camp Session(s) your registering for? Click the button below to view the Camp Session Brochure.

What to Expect During Registration

NEW this year! Based on feedback from our community, ACE is using a queueing system to facilitate Camp Registration.

1. Waiting Room

Upon entering the Registration Queue, you will be taken to a Waiting Room. This Waiting Room will open 30-minutes prior to Registration opening.

A screenshot of onscreen instructions for a registration queue.

2. Registration Opens

When Registration opens, all individuals in the Waiting Room will be randomly placed in line to access the Registration portal.

A screen grab of on-screen instructions for the registration queue

3. Save Your Spot

Once you are in line, your spot to access the Registration portal is saved. You may keep the page open in your browser or enter an email address to receive an alert when it is your turn to enter the Registration portal.

A screen grab of on-screen instructions.

4. Log-In to Portal

When it is your turn to enter the Registration portal, you wil be sent to the log-in page. Log-in with your account information and begin Registration.


How-To Register Video (3-min)

Click the play button below, for a quick review of how to complete registration for a camp.

ACE and Membership staff are available via phone and email prior to both Registration Days and up to 30-minutes prior to either Registration period opening. After Registration opens on either day, you can reach the ACE and Membership teams via email or by leaving a voicemail. They will respond as quickly as they can during the Registration process and in the order received. 

Registration FAQs


Who is eligible for the Museum Member Early Access Registration?

Museum Members at Aviator level and above are eligible to register for ACE during the Member Early Access Registration on February 28. We strongly encourage you to update your Membership or purchase a Membership by 4:00 PM Thursday, February 27 to ensure your access to Early Registration and the $10 Member discount. To check if your membership includes this benefit, please visit the Levels and Benefits or email the Membership team at

Note: Early Access does not guarantee registration for a Camp session. If you are unable to secure a reservation, Members are welcome to try again during General Public Registration on Saturday, March 1 at 10:00 AM.


Where can I find the password for the Member Early Access Registration period?

The password for Early Access to the Registration portal will appear when you enter the Registration queue.


Will I need my Membership Number to register?

You are not required to enter your Member number during Registration, but it will be used to confirm your Membership status once the Early Access period concludes. To ensure that early access remains an exclusive privilege for Museum Members, any camp registration not linked to an active Membership will be canceled. If you need to verify your Member number before registering, please reach out to


Should I create more than one registration account?

We ask that you do NOT create more than one account in the Registration portal. Multiple accounts associated with the same camper can cause confusion during check-in and when providing the best care possible for your camper.


After I've started Registration, can my spot be ‘stolen’ from my cart?

Generally, once a registration has begun, a hold on the spot will guarantee availability at time of checkout. However, at times of high-volume registration, the system will stop registrations once all spots are reserved and may result in a camp session becoming unavailable during the check out process. Unfortunately, this is an automated feature and something we cannot control.


Will there be Waitlists available for full Camp sessions?

Waitlists for full camp sessions will be available during General Public Registration on March 1. The Waitlists will remain active for all camps until the Wednesday before a camp session begins. ACE Staff actively fill any openings due to cancellations from these Waitlists. If you wish to be added to our “Last Minute Call” list for a particular session, please reach out to the ACE Office at 206-716-0820 or email 


Transcript for the How To Register video is below:

  1. Start by selecting the camper you’d like to begin a registration for. Confirm your camper’s grade in the Fall. Camps that are available for your camper will appear. Make your selection. 
  2. You will now be given an opportunity to select camps for other members of your account. This step is important if you are trying to register multiple campers in one transaction. If you are registering during the Member Early Registration window, you will need to enter a password. This password is only available to eligible members through the virtual queue. 
  3. Once you have selected a camp and, if necessary, input the password, your hold on that camp space will last for 15 minutes. Confirm your camper’s information, including their t-shirt size. Please select the size that will work best for them during the program. If you need to change their size you can do so until June 9th. Every camp registration includes one t-shirt.
  4. You now have an opportunity to add options to your order. If you are interested in applying for a partial campership, select this option for every camper you are registering to complete an application. Reach out to the ACE office for more information about our Partial Campership program.
  5. Confirm an emergency contact for your camper. This person should be a different individual than the primary contact, and if applicable, the secondary contact.
  6. Confirm your contact information. This is the information ACE will use to communicate with you prior to camp and while your camper is in our care.
  7. Sign the waiver for camp attendance. This is required and must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. 
  8. Enter your Museum Membership status. If you are registering during the Member early registration window or claiming a Member discount, we will verify your membership status.
  9. If you are registering a second camper or participating in a second camp, the system will prompt you through those registrations. Because each session has an opportunity to select different options, you will go through each page for each camp registration.
  10. Once you have completed the information for each registration, you have an opportunity to review your basket. Click the ‘Proceed to Payment’ button once you are sure your order is complete.
  11. ACE offers a few different payment plan options. Select the one that works best for your situation. ACE accepts Credit and Debit cards, as well as direct bank transfers. If you are an Aviator Level Member or above, you are eligible to use a discount code for $10 off each camp registration. You can enter that by clicking Add Member Discount and entering the coupon code available in your member email.


Don't see the answer to your question?

ACE Office
Phone: 206.716.0820 or Email:

Membership Office
Phone: 206.764.5711 or Email: