Happy National Moon Day!

Celebrate the achievements that put man on the Moon
for #NationalMoonDay!
July 20 marks the day that Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin successfully landed on the surface of the Moon, while Michael Collins was in lunar orbit.
The Museum of Flight is your destination for out-of-this-world Moon artifacts! Pick your favorite Moon artifact in the Museum’s collection to learn more.
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With your help we can inspire the next generation of space explorers headed back to the Moon! You make our world-class education programs, special events for the whole family, and awe-inspiring exhibits of aircraft and spacecraft possible.
Spacecraft, Rockwell Apollo Command Module, 1966,
The Museum of Flight Collection, 1988-10-18/1
F-1 Rocket Engine Components, Donated by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,
The Museum of Flight Collection, 2015-8-16
Carving of white elephant, 1969, Woodrow W. Wilson,
The Museum of Flight Collection, 1998-1-22/3
Rock, Lunar, Sample 12047, 1969,
On loan from NASA Johnson Space Center